A data analyst and Narrator is all you need

The only platform that can prep data to answer EVERY question you have.

Narrator is an end-to-end platform designed for answering questions and delivering insights fast. Powered by the innovation of the Activity Schema™, a single analyst can support an entire team.

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Trusted by companies of all sizes to make better decisions

Start with a package

Narrator's packages are the best way to get started. Instantly get the dashboards you need to make decision.

View our Ecommerce Package

A full-featured
data platform
starting at $500/mo

How is this possible?
A universal standard for data that can answer any data question

Your customer data as building blocks

Narrator was created by the team that invented the Activity Schema™: the only standardized data model that is flexible enough to answer any question.

The Activity Schema allows us to represent your business as reusable building blocks.

Learn more about Activity Schema

Insights discovered in minutes

Narrator was designed for reusability. This has allowed us to build templates that can be used to find and understand insights.

View Templates

Optimized to reduce warehouse costs

Unlike other BI tools Narrator was built from the ground up, warehouse native with costs in mind:
1. Updates are Incremental by Default
2. Analyses and Dashboards Run on a Schedule
3. Optimized Queries with Built-in Cache

View the Processing

Why companies use Narrator?

Tackle the Large Backlog of Ad-hoc Questions

The Activity Schema makes answering one off questions easy and fast.  This is most common reason to use Activity Schema.  

Reduce the Cost of Warehouse and Tools

The Activity Schema is incremental and our queries take advantage of the clustering, partitioning and other optimizations for each warehouse. We also provide an end-to-end data management tool for $500/month

Connect Frontend, Backend, and 3rd party data

The Activity Schema stitches users across all your systems. This allows you to use data from your source of truth, while understanding the full-picture of your customers.

Answer Tricky Behavioral Questions 

Classical BI is designed for tracking and monitoring KPIs.  Behavioral questions are extremely difficult and can be very nuanced.  Narrator was designed with these questions in mind so you can get accurate answers in minutes.

Ready to iterate quickly from question to answer?

Create an account today.